‘She’s evil’: Mel Gibson FINALLY Speaks Out On Oprah’s Secret Agenda | HO

In the age of cancel culture, where a single ill-advised tweet or slip of the tongue can torpedo a career, it’s rare to find a celebrity who isn’t afraid to speak their mind. Mel Gibson, with his history of controversy, is certainly one of those few who dares to buck the trend. And now, this outspoken actor has finally set his sights on Oprah Winfrey, one of the most revered and powerful figures in Hollywood, exposing a secret agenda that, if true, could shatter the carefully curated image of the beloved talk show host. What could be this secret that could be so dangerous to Oprah’s career?

A timeline of Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism

Mel Gibson, a well-known actor with a history of controversy, has always been outspoken, even in an era where public figures must tread carefully. The rise of cancel culture, in which a single misstep or controversial comment can result in a career’s rapid decline, has left many celebrities reluctant to speak their minds. Yet, Gibson remains one of the few bold enough to defy the cultural trend and openly express his opinions. Recently, he has directed his attention toward one of Hollywood’s most powerful and beloved figures—Oprah Winfrey. According to Gibson, Oprah has been harboring a secret agenda that, if exposed, could dismantle her carefully curated public image. But what is this supposed secret, and why could it potentially harm Oprah’s career so drastically?

One of the most shocking claims Gibson has made involves Oprah Winfrey’s connection to the infamous Harvey Weinstein scandal. Weinstein, a former Hollywood mogul, was at the center of multiple sexual assault accusations that came to light during the #MeToo movement. Gibson suggests that Oprah’s silence during the Weinstein fallout was more than just ignorance or oversight. He claims that her inaction was part of a larger, more calculated plan to maintain her standing in Hollywood’s elite and protect powerful figures like Weinstein. If true, this would be a major blow to Oprah’s reputation, as she has long positioned herself as a champion for women and a strong advocate for equality.

The #MeToo movement, which gained prominence in 2017 after actress Alyssa Milano’s viral tweet encouraged women to share their experiences with sexual misconduct, forever changed Hollywood. High-profile celebrities, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, and Jennifer Lawrence, came forward with harrowing stories of abuse by powerful men like Weinstein. The movement led to a national conversation about sexual misconduct, and numerous perpetrators were held accountable, losing their jobs and facing public backlash. Among those who spoke out most fiercely was Rose McGowan, who had accused Weinstein of assaulting her in 1997. McGowan became a key figure in the movement, speaking out not only against Weinstein but also against those who stayed silent, including her own management team and other Hollywood elites.

One of the most damaging accusations against Oprah comes from her alleged long-standing relationship with Weinstein. While Oprah has not been directly accused of any wrongdoing, the rumor mill has often hinted that she remained loyal to Weinstein even after the allegations of abuse became public. Gibson claims that Oprah was aware of Weinstein’s predatory behavior but chose to look the other way, possibly even encouraging other actors to work with him. If Oprah did indeed protect Weinstein, this could drastically alter the public’s perception of her as a moral figure and advocate for women.

Singer Seal was among the celebrities who criticized Oprah for her ties to Weinstein. In 2018, he posted on Instagram, accusing Oprah of being aware of Weinstein’s actions for years but pretending to be ignorant. Seal’s post included a meme of Oprah and Weinstein with the words, “When you have been part of the problem for decades but suddenly they all think you are the solution.” He implied that Oprah’s sudden support for the #MeToo movement was hypocritical, given her previous closeness to Weinstein.

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Rose McGowan has also been vocal about her criticism of Oprah. In 2021, McGowan accused Oprah of being “fake” and prioritizing her influence and power over the well-being of victims. McGowan specifically called out Oprah for her decision to withdraw from producing a documentary that was set to focus on the women who had accused music mogul Russell Simmons of sexual assault. McGowan suggested that Oprah’s actions demonstrated her true nature as someone more interested in preserving her own power than in standing up for the victims of abuse. McGowan’s public denouncement of Oprah resonated with many, further fueling rumors that Oprah’s moral integrity might not be as solid as it appears.

In addition to her alleged involvement in the Weinstein scandal, Oprah has faced scrutiny for her association with the Brazilian healer João Teixeira de Faria, also known as “John of God.” Faria rose to fame as a spiritual healer, with many, including Oprah, claiming that he had supernatural powers. Oprah even visited him in Brazil and aired a show featuring his so-called healing abilities. However, Faria was later exposed as a predator who had sexually abused hundreds of women under the guise of spiritual healing. He was eventually convicted and sentenced to over 100 years in prison for his crimes.

Oprah’s association with John of God raised questions about her judgment and the platforms she provided to dubious figures. While she eventually expressed support for the women who had been victimized by Faria, critics argue that Oprah had already done significant damage by promoting him in the first place. By featuring him on her show and lending him credibility, Oprah inadvertently contributed to his rise in popularity, which allowed him to continue exploiting vulnerable women.

Another dark chapter in Oprah’s career involves the scandal at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, a school she established in South Africa in 2007. The school was meant to provide underprivileged girls with an elite education, but it soon became embroiled in controversy. In 2007, just months after the school’s opening, several staff members were accused of sexually and physically abusing students. Oprah, devastated by the allegations, took swift action, firing the staff members involved and publicly addressing the issue.

Despite Oprah’s efforts to resolve the situation, the scandal left a permanent stain on the school’s reputation and raised questions about Oprah’s ability to oversee such a significant project. Further controversies continued to arise, including allegations of bullying and misconduct among the students, which compounded the school’s troubled history.

What Mel Gibson and other critics seem to suggest is that Oprah Winfrey leads a dual life—one as the beloved, empathetic talk show host and another as a behind-the-scenes player in Hollywood’s shadowy power dynamics. This duality, according to Gibson, is what makes Oprah so dangerous. While she presents herself as a champion of justice and equality, her alleged associations with individuals like Weinstein and John of God, as well as her involvement in controversial projects like the South African school, tell a different story.

Gibson’s accusations, if proven true, could indeed have a damaging impact on Oprah’s legacy. However, it’s also possible that these claims are part of a larger narrative aimed at taking down powerful figures in Hollywood. Given Oprah’s enormous influence and the widespread admiration she enjoys, it’s unlikely that these accusations alone will topple her career. Yet, as more stories and allegations come to light, Oprah’s carefully crafted public image may face increased scrutiny.

Mel Gibson’s outspoken criticism of Oprah Winfrey has added fuel to the ongoing debate about the talk show host’s true character. From her alleged involvement in protecting Harvey Weinstein to her connection with disgraced spiritual healer John of God, and the scandals surrounding her South African school, Oprah’s reputation has been called into question. While these revelations are serious, it remains to be seen whether they will have a lasting impact on her career. As one of the most powerful figures in Hollywood, Oprah’s influence is vast, but in an age where even the most revered public figures are held accountable, no one is immune from scrutiny.