Russian Gymnast Coach Wants Rule Changed Cause She’s Pissed Simone Biles Keeps Winning | HO

Excellence, time and time again, we see examples like the DA party, where individuals like John Stean Haen, who are seemingly uneducated, continue to hold significant positions. It’s almost as if people need to hear criticism from their own kind to realize these flaws. It’s both comical and frustrating, especially when considering the recent decision to make him the Minister of Agriculture. What does he know about agriculture or climate change?

Russian Gymnast Coach Wants Rule Changed Cause She's Pissed Simone Biles  Keeps Winning

This situation reminds me of a case involving the Russian gymnastics coach who suggested changing the rules after Simone Biles won her sixth title. Instead of acknowledging Biles’ exceptional talent and improving their own training methods, the coach proposed altering the rules to give others a better chance. This is how mediocrity gets promoted.

Valentina Rodionenko, the head coach of the Russian artistic gymnastics team, expressed dissatisfaction with Biles’ victory, arguing that her performances lack aesthetics and are merely based on difficulty. But gymnastics, by nature, is complex, and Biles excels within the rules set by the sport.

Rodionenko’s comments reflect a mindset unwilling to recognize and strive for higher standards. This isn’t a new behavior; historically, similar attitudes have led to changes in rules to favor those who couldn’t compete fairly. Modern civilization often falls short of being a meritocracy because of this tendency to change the rules to maintain dominance.

Simone Biles’ excellence should serve as motivation to improve, not as a reason to lower standards. The reluctance to compete fairly and the desire to change the rules to accommodate mediocrity is a recurring theme in history. This behavior stems from an inability to compete on equal terms, leading to unfair practices like colonization and exploitation.

In essence, this attitude undermines true merit and excellence, favoring mediocrity. It’s a pattern seen across various fields, from sports to politics, where rule changes are proposed to maintain an advantage rather than genuinely improving and competing fairly.