BISPING: ‘You PATHETIC MAN!’ | Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul (Press Conference Highlights Reaction) | HO

Michael Bisping gives his immediate reaction to the Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul press conference where 58 year old Tyson steps into the ring with someone 30 years his junior in November on Netflix.

Michael Bisping roasts "pathetic individual" Jake Paul after boo birds  hyjack Mike Tyson presser |

Michael Bisping, former UFC middleweight champion and outspoken commentator, had a lot to say about the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul press conference. Here’s a detailed breakdown of his immediate reaction to the event.

Michael Bisping’s immediate reaction to the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul press conference was a blend of skepticism, disdain, and blunt honesty. As someone deeply embedded in the world of combat sports, Bisping’s insights were both seasoned and critical, reflecting his experience and understanding of the sport. His reaction can be categorized into several key areas: the legitimacy of the fight, the behavior of the fighters, and the overall spectacle.

Legitimacy of the Fight:

Bisping didn’t hold back in expressing his views on the legitimacy of the Tyson vs. Paul fight. For him, it was clear that the bout was more about spectacle and less about competitive boxing. He saw the fight as a calculated spectacle rather than a serious athletic contest. Bisping pointed out that Mike Tyson, at 58 years old, is far removed from his prime. Despite Tyson’s legendary status, Bisping questioned the fairness and integrity of the matchup against a younger, more active Jake Paul.

“The man’s nearly 60, and you’re pitting him against a YouTuber who’s in his mid-20s,” Bisping remarked. “It’s not a competitive fight; it’s a spectacle. Tyson’s glory years are long behind him. This is not a contest of skill or athleticism—it’s a money grab.”

Bisping’s frustration was evident as he compared the fight to other, more legitimate contests in the sport. He emphasized that real boxing matches involve fighters who are within their prime or at least relatively close in terms of their competitive years. In his view, the Tyson-Paul fight lacked the competitive edge that defines true boxing.

Behavior of the Fighters:

Bisping’s critique extended to the behavior of both fighters during the press conference. He was particularly critical of Jake Paul’s antics, describing them as obnoxious and ill-advised. For Bisping, Jake Paul’s bravado and trash talk were seen as attempts to hype up a fight that, in his opinion, didn’t need any extra drama.

“Jake Paul is just a clown,” Bisping said. “He’s out here talking a big game, trying to act tough. But let’s be honest—he’s fighting an old man. His trash talk is pathetic. It’s all smoke and mirrors to distract from the fact that this fight is a joke.”

Bisping also noted Tyson’s demeanor during the press conference. While Tyson’s composure and lack of aggression were interpreted by some as a sign of disinterest, Bisping saw it differently. He believed Tyson’s calmness was a reflection of his understanding of the situation—a situation he viewed as beneath him.

“Tyson was smiling and joking, not because he’s taking it lightly, but because he knows this is a farce,” Bisping explained. “He’s a legend. He’s seen and done it all. He’s not going to let Jake Paul’s antics get under his skin. Tyson’s above all this nonsense.”

Overall Spectacle:

Bisping was clear in his view that the press conference was more about entertainment than about any real buildup to a significant fight. He expressed disappointment that such a high-profile event was being used to generate buzz through gimmicks and theatrics rather than focusing on the sport’s core values of competition and athleticism.

“This whole thing is a show, and it’s a shame,” Bisping said. “The sport of boxing deserves better than this. Instead of focusing on real fights that test the limits of skill and heart, we get this. It’s a circus.”

He also criticized the media coverage and the hype surrounding the event. For Bisping, the focus on personalities and drama detracted from the essence of boxing. He lamented the fact that genuine boxing matches, which involve serious contenders, often don’t receive the same level of attention as these manufactured spectacles.

Training and Preparation:

Despite his overall negative assessment of the fight, Bisping did acknowledge Tyson’s dedication to training. He pointed out that Tyson’s effort to get into shape, despite his age, should be respected. However, he still maintained that the fight was not a fair or meaningful test of Tyson’s abilities.

“It’s admirable that Tyson is taking his training seriously,” Bisping conceded. “But let’s not pretend this fight is about real competition. It’s about putting on a show, and Tyson’s presence is part of that show. He’s not being tested against someone in his prime or even a competitive challenger.”


Michael Bisping’s reaction to the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul press conference was a mix of frustration and candid criticism. He viewed the fight as a spectacle that lacked the integrity and competitive spirit of genuine boxing. His comments reflected a deep respect for the sport and a desire to see it represented in a manner that upholds its values. While acknowledging the entertainment value and the financial aspects of such events, Bisping remained focused on the core principles of competition and athleticism that he believes should define boxing.

In the end, Bisping’s reaction serves as a reminder of the stark contrast between the spectacle-driven approach to combat sports and the traditional values of true athletic competition.