Angelina Jolie Confirms The Rumors About Brad Pitt | HO

It has been nearly eight years since Angelina Jolie called it quits with Hollywood star Brad Pitt after she revealed that while heavily drunk, he was verbally and physically abusive to her and their children on the family’s private plane ride from France to Los Angeles.

Recently, Angelina made more shocking allegations of abuse Brad inflicted on their family, and she has also confirmed all the unsettling rumors about him. What did she attest to, and how did the couple’s loving marriage quickly turn sour?

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's daughter Shiloh confirms desire for name  change in newspaper notice - ABC News

The fairy tale romance between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt captivated the world from its inception. The couple, affectionately dubbed “Brangelina,” seemed to epitomize Hollywood glamour and love. Their relationship, marked by high-profile adoptions, charity work, and a stunning wedding at their French estate, was the envy of many. However, beneath the surface, the reality of their marriage was far less idyllic. Recent revelations by Angelina Jolie have shed light on the darker aspects of their relationship, confirming many troubling rumors that had previously only been whispered.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt first crossed paths on the set of “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” in 2004. At the time, Brad Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston, making their growing closeness a topic of intense media scrutiny. Despite denials from both Pitt and Jolie that their relationship began before his split from Aniston, public opinion largely painted Jolie as the “other woman,” a perception that was difficult to shake off. The media frenzy only intensified with Jolie’s unconventional public persona, which included dramatic moments like kissing her brother at the Oscars and wearing a vial of her then-partner’s blood.

The couple’s initial relationship was seemingly a whirlwind of passion and charity work. They quickly became a family unit, adopting children from around the world and eventually starting a biological family of their own. Jolie’s bold moves in adopting Maddox Chivan from Cambodia and Pax Thien from Vietnam, as well as their joint decision to expand their family with biological children Shiloh Nouvel and twins Knox Léon and Vivienne Marcheline, painted a picture of a couple deeply committed to both their children and each other.

Their 2014 wedding at Château Miraval in France was intended to be a private and joyous affair, symbolizing their enduring commitment. However, just two years later, cracks in their relationship began to show. In September 2016, Jolie filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. This marked the beginning of a turbulent and highly publicized legal battle.

Angelina Jolie fought back tears - News in Images - Emirates24|7

The divorce proceedings have been marked by disturbing allegations. In recent months, Angelina Jolie has confirmed long-standing rumors about Brad Pitt’s behavior during their marriage. According to court documents and public statements, Jolie has detailed instances of verbal and physical abuse that occurred on a private plane ride in September 2016.

Jolie’s court filings reveal a harrowing account of Pitt’s behavior during that flight, which was reportedly a turning point in their relationship. The documents describe Pitt engaging in an intense outburst that allegedly involved physical and verbal abuse towards Jolie and their children. He is accused of choking one of the kids, hitting another in the face, and shaking Jolie by the head. The incident reportedly included Pitt pouring beer and red wine on Jolie and their children. The severity of these allegations led to an FBI investigation due to the plane being under federal jurisdiction, though no criminal charges were filed.

The allegations have not only caused public shock but have also intensified the ongoing legal battles between the former couple. Pitt has denied the abuse allegations, admitting to struggles with alcohol and anger management but maintaining that he did not engage in any physical abuse. The ongoing court disputes have included issues over their shared winery, Château Miraval, and custody arrangements for their six children.

As the public scrutiny continues, the impact on the family has been profound. Jolie’s revelations have led to significant changes within the family dynamic. Their children have increasingly distanced themselves from Pitt, with some even changing their last names to sever ties with him publicly.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, the couple’s 18-year-old daughter, has legally changed her last name to Shiloh Jolie, removing Pitt’s surname from her identity. This move reflects a growing desire among the children to distance themselves from their father. Similarly, Vivienne and Zahara have also made moves that suggest a distancing from Pitt, with Zahara introducing herself publicly without his surname and Vivienne working on a Broadway play under her mother’s last name.

Angelina Jolie pleads with Congress to tackle domestic violence - The Mail

These changes indicate a broader trend within the family, where the children are reportedly aligning more closely with Jolie and distancing themselves from Pitt. The personal and legal battles between Jolie and Pitt continue to unfold, with the impact on their children being a poignant aspect of their split.

The legal disputes between Jolie and Pitt are far from resolved. The couple’s divorce proceedings have been marked by ongoing battles over their assets, including the Château Miraval winery. Jolie has alleged that Pitt sought a non-disclosure agreement that would prevent her from discussing the abuse allegations, a condition she refused to accept. The sale of her stake in the winery, which Pitt has contested, has further fueled their legal conflict.

Recent developments have also included disputes over the care and custody of their children. Both Jolie and Pitt have been fighting over who gets to make significant decisions regarding their children’s lives, adding to the complexity of their separation.

As the legal battles continue, both Jolie and Pitt have made public appearances that reflect their personal states. Jolie has been open about her relief at finally revealing the truth, expressing that it has been difficult to remain silent about the abuse allegations. On the other hand, Pitt has been reportedly overwhelmed by the ongoing drama, with some of his friends noting his disbelief at how the situation has escalated.

The public reaction to the divorce and the abuse allegations has been one of mixed emotions. While some sympathize with Jolie’s plight, others have expressed concern for Pitt and his efforts to move past his struggles with alcohol and anger. The ongoing drama between the former couple remains a significant topic of discussion, with both sides continuing to battle through legal and public arenas.