This is Tom and he's 7 years old. One day he told his schoolmates that his uncle was Superman. The other kids made fun of him and no one believed him. Then

Being related to a Hollywood superstar might seem like a dream come true, but it can also lead to unexpected challenges—just ask Henry Cavill’s nephew, Thomas. The actor, best known for portraying the iconic superhero Superman, recently shared a funny and heartwarming story about his young nephew’s brush with disbelief at school, and how his uncle’s stardom didn’t exactly help.

During an appearance on LIVE with Kelly and Ryan in 2018, Cavill was asked about his nieces and nephews. It was then that he recalled a particularly hilarious incident involving Thomas, his nephew, who caused quite a stir at school during a “talk about your family” day. As Cavill explained, young Thomas proudly told his entire class, “My uncle is Superman.” But, instead of amazement or awe, the declaration was met with skepticism.

The class—and even the teacher—didn’t believe the boy’s claim. In fact, the teacher sternly told Thomas, “We don’t lie in school.” To which the boy, understandably baffled by the doubt, stuck to his guns, reiterating, “But my uncle is Superman.”

Unfortunately for Thomas, the teacher wasn’t easily convinced. The situation escalated when the teacher spoke to his mother, Cavill’s sister-in-law, at school pick-up. The teacher explained how they don’t tolerate dishonesty, referencing Thomas’ so-called “lie” about his uncle’s superhero status. But Thomas’ mother had a mic-drop moment when she simply responded, “I hate to tell you this, but it’s all true.” Imagine the surprise on the teacher’s face!

This humorous moment quickly became a viral sensation online, resonating with fans who found the story both adorable and amusing. A clip of the interview has garnered over 7 million views and countless comments from fans of Cavill and the Superman character. One fan commented, “If my uncle was Superman, I’d brag about it every day!” Another humorously suggested, “I hope the teacher replied by saying, ‘I’m going to need you to prove that by bringing your uncle to see me.’”

While Thomas might have gotten into some trouble that day, he now has an unforgettable story to tell—a reminder that being related to a famous face can be both a blessing and a bit of a challenge.

Celebrity Encounters: Adorable and Unbelievable Moments

It seems Cavill’s nephew isn’t alone when it comes to the awe that surrounds movie stars, especially when it comes to children or even fans. A similar heartwarming celebrity story comes from a tweet by journalist James Dator, who shared his own encounter with none other than Keanu Reeves—a superstar known for his humility and kindness.

Dator recalled how, as a 16-year-old working at a movie theater in Sydney in 2001, he was taken aback when Reeves walked in to watch From Hell, starring Johnny Depp. Trying to seize the moment, Dator offered Reeves an employee discount, which would have required the actor to sign a register. However, in typical Keanu fashion, the actor politely declined, saying, “I don’t work here, so I can’t use the discount.”

What happened next was an unforgettable gesture of thoughtfulness. A few minutes later, Reeves returned, having bought an ice cream. The Matrix star handed Dator the receipt, saying, “I realized you probably wanted my autograph, so I signed this.” Reeves had purchased the ice cream solely to give the young fan a signature, a moment of humility that fans have come to love about the actor.

Both of these stories show that while stars may seem larger than life, their down-to-earth moments—whether with family or fans—are what truly make them shine. Whether it’s Henry Cavill’s nephew struggling to convince his classmates that his uncle really is Superman, or Keanu Reeves going out of his way to make a teenager’s day, these interactions offer a glimpse of the humanity behind the Hollywood glitz.