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Henry Cavill may be the epitome of a real-life superhero, especially known for his role as Superman and his beloved portrayal of Geralt in The Witcher. But even this larger-than-life star has something in common with millions of people worldwide: he’s allergic to cats!

Yes, you heard that right. The man who can leap tall buildings in a single bound has a rather relatable kryptonite—cats! Despite his muscular physique, chiseled jawline, and on-screen toughness, Cavill faces an all-too-common struggle that leaves him sneezing and wheezing like any ordinary person.

Cat Lovers’ Dilemma

While this revelation might come as a shock to his fans, it also makes him incredibly relatable. Allergies are a challenge that many face daily, and being allergic to one of the most popular pets in the world—cats—puts Cavill in good company. Despite his allergy, it’s been noted that Cavill actually adores cats, making this allergic dilemma even more heartbreaking.

For cat lovers, being allergic to their feline friends can be devastating, but it hasn’t stopped Cavill from showing his love for animals. Although he may not be able to cozy up to a kitten without some allergy medication, his fondness for furry friends remains.

How Does He Cope?

You might wonder how a star like Cavill manages to navigate a world filled with cat enthusiasts. The actor has previously mentioned that he manages his allergy with antihistamines and other allergy-relief solutions when necessary. Like many who share his plight, he takes precautions but doesn’t let it hold him back from appreciating the furry companions of friends and fans.

Relatable Superhero

Knowing that someone as strong and fearless as Henry Cavill battles something as common as a cat allergy reminds us that even the biggest stars have everyday struggles. His allergy, though surprising, makes him more human in the eyes of his fans. Whether you’re a superhero on screen or just a regular person, no one is invincible to those adorable yet allergen-packed felines.

So, the next time you find yourself reaching for tissues after petting a cat, just remember—you’ve got something in common with Superman!