In 2013, Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel burst onto the big screen, marking a bold new era for Superman. But fast forward to 2024, and revisiting this film feels like unlocking a treasure chest of hidden insights. It’s not just nostalgia; it’s like watching the movie for the first time all over again—only this time, with a fresh perspective. Here are the seven mind-blowing lessons I learned from rewatching Man of Steel in 2024.

1. The Complexity of Heroism

When I first saw Man of Steel, Superman was the quintessential hero—strong, noble, and invincible. But watching it again in 2024, I realized just how complex his heroism truly is. Superman’s struggle to balance his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing offers a nuanced take on what it means to be a hero. It’s not just about saving the day; it’s about making impossible choices and dealing with the consequences.

2. The Weight of Destiny

Clark Kent’s journey in Man of Steel is a powerful exploration of destiny versus free will. The film portrays a man burdened by the knowledge of his extraordinary origins and the expectations that come with it. In 2024, this theme resonates even more deeply, especially in a world where we’re constantly reminded of the paths we’re ‘supposed’ to take. Clark’s story reminds us that while our destinies may be written in the stars, how we choose to walk that path is up to us.

3. The Power of Parental Influence

Man of Steel highlights the significant role of parental figures in shaping who we become. Jor-El and Jonathan Kent offer two distinct yet complementary philosophies on life and power. Rewatching the film today, I was struck by how relevant this theme is—our parents’ values, whether we accept or reject them, profoundly influence our decisions. The film underscores the idea that our identities are forged by those who raise us, but ultimately, we decide who we want to be.

4. The Burden of Expectations

Superman is a symbol of hope, but Man of Steel also shows the immense burden that comes with being a symbol. In 2024, this theme feels more pertinent than ever. Whether it’s in our careers, relationships, or social media personas, the pressure to live up to expectations is a universal struggle. Superman’s journey in Man of Steel serves as a reminder that the weight of the world can be overwhelming, but it’s how we carry it that defines us.

5. The Fragility of Peace

The battle between Superman and General Zod is more than just a spectacular display of superhuman strength; it’s a poignant commentary on the fragility of peace. In 2024, with global tensions high, this lesson hits hard. Man of Steel teaches us that peace is not a given—it’s something that must be actively maintained, often at great cost. The destruction in Metropolis serves as a grim reminder that peace can be shattered in an instant, and rebuilding is a monumental task.

6. The Gray Area of Morality

Superman is often seen as the ultimate moral compass, but Man of Steel challenges this notion by plunging him into morally ambiguous situations. Rewatching the film, I was struck by the ethical dilemmas Superman faces—situations where there is no clear right or wrong. In 2024, this resonates more than ever as we navigate a world full of complex moral questions. Man of Steel teaches us that sometimes, being a hero means making tough choices in the gray areas.

7. The Importance of Self-Discovery

Finally, Man of Steel is a powerful narrative about self-discovery. Superman’s journey to understanding who he is and where he comes from is something we can all relate to, especially in 2024 when identity is more fluid and multifaceted than ever before. The film emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself—not just the surface-level identity but the deeper, often hidden aspects of who we are. Superman’s self-discovery is a reminder that our true power lies in embracing all parts of ourselves.


Rewatching Man of Steel in 2024 was a transformative experience. The film’s themes of heroism, destiny, parental influence, expectations, peace, morality, and self-discovery are more relevant now than ever. It’s like seeing the movie for the first time all over again, with fresh eyes and a deeper understanding of its profound messages. If you haven’t revisited this modern classic lately, I highly recommend doing so—you might just find it’s more impactful now than when you first watched it.