As our nation continues to recognize and celebrate various causes and communities, it’s essential to reassess our priorities. While “Pride Month” in June highlights the LGBTQ+ community and their ongoing fight for equality, we must not forget the profound contributions of our veterans. These brave men and women have sacrificed their time, health, and often their lives to protect the freedoms we hold dear. They deserve a dedicated month of recognition and support, highlighting their sacrifices and addressing the challenges they face after service.


Currently, Veterans Day on November 11th is the primary day dedicated to honoring military service members. However, one day hardly seems sufficient to acknowledge the breadth of their sacrifices. A month dedicated to veterans would provide ample time to focus on their needs, celebrate their contributions, and educate the public about the difficulties many face upon returning home.

Moreover, the issues facing veterans are vast and complex. From physical injuries and mental health struggles to unemployment and homelessness, veterans need comprehensive support systems. A dedicated month would help raise awareness, foster public understanding, and encourage actions that can make a tangible difference in their lives.

It’s not about diminishing the importance of Pride Month but about recognizing that the valor and sacrifices of our veterans warrant equal, if not more, substantial recognition. Their stories, struggles, and triumphs should be brought to the forefront, ensuring they receive the honor, respect, and support they deserve.

In conclusion, while celebrating diversity and promoting equality is vital, dedicating a month to honor and support our veterans should be a national priority. Their unwavering commitment to protecting our freedoms has earned them more than just a day of recognition. It’s time to ensure that their contributions are remembered and celebrated with the same enthusiasm and dedication that we show other important causes.