In a revealing interview on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” MMA superstar Francis Ngannou opened up about the circumstances surrounding his defeat to former heavyweight boxing champion Anthony Joshua. Ngannou, known for his knockout power and dominance in the octagon, described a series of questionable actions and alleged trickery by Joshua’s team, which he believes contributed to his loss. The conversation shed light on the often-hidden complexities of fight promotions and the tactics used behind the scenes.

Ngannou, who had ventured into boxing to face Joshua in a highly anticipated crossover match, recounted the events leading up to the fight with Rogan. He detailed how Joshua’s promoters allegedly engaged in dubious tactics that he felt undermined his preparation and performance. According to Ngannou, these actions included last-minute changes to fight terms, unexpected logistical issues, and a general lack of transparency from Joshua’s team.

“The whole situation felt off,” Ngannou explained. “There were things happening behind the scenes that we weren’t informed about until the last minute. It was like they were setting things up to make it harder for me. From the training accommodations to changes in the fight contract, everything seemed designed to throw me off my game.”

Ngannou pointed to specific incidents where he felt disadvantaged, such as delays in receiving crucial information about the fight venue and conditions, which affected his training camp. He also mentioned unexpected changes in the fight’s rules and stipulations, which he felt were unfairly skewed in Joshua’s favor. Ngannou expressed frustration over these challenges, believing they were orchestrated to give Joshua an edge.

Rogan, known for his insightful interviews, pressed Ngannou on how these factors influenced the fight’s outcome. Ngannou admitted that while Joshua’s skill and experience were undeniable, the psychological and logistical disruptions played a significant role in his defeat. He emphasized that such tactics are not uncommon in the fight business but insisted that they were particularly pronounced in this instance.

“Joshua is a great fighter, no doubt about it,” Ngannou conceded. “But when you come into a fight feeling like you’re battling more than just your opponent, it messes with your head. His promoters and team knew exactly what they were doing, and it worked.”

The interview highlighted the often opaque nature of fight promotions, where negotiations and strategies can sometimes extend beyond the ring. Ngannou’s experience serves as a reminder of the various elements fighters must navigate, including management disputes, promotional tactics, and the psychological warfare that often accompanies high-stakes bouts.

As the conversation drew to a close, Ngannou expressed his desire for a rematch under fairer conditions. He reiterated his respect for Joshua as a fighter but remained critical of the tactics employed by his team. The revelations from this interview have sparked discussions within the combat sports community, with fans and analysts debating the ethics and impact of such behind-the-scenes maneuvers.

In conclusion, Francis Ngannou detailed to Joe Rogan the trickery he claims to have suffered at the hands of Anthony Joshua’s team, attributing his defeat to the tactics employed by Joshua’s promoters. Ngannou’s account sheds light on the complexities and challenges fighters face outside the ring, highlighting the sometimes unseen battles that can influence the outcome of a fight. As the story unfolds, the combat sports world watches closely, eager to see if a rematch will address these concerns.

Priscilla Steele