In a dramatic turn of events, Ryan Garcia has publicly expressed his anger and disbelief over Frank Martin’s decision to hire Logan Paul as his new trainer after firing the respected Derrick James. Garcia, who is known for his outspoken nature, did not hold back his criticism and even issued a challenge to Martin for a future fight.

“Frank Martin hiring Logan Paul as his trainer is a joke,” Garcia stated angrily in a recent interview. “Derrick James is one of the best in the business, and replacing him with a YouTuber who barely knows the sport is an insult to professional boxing. This move shows a complete lack of respect for the sport and the hard work that goes into it.”

Garcia, who has had his own share of ups and downs in the boxing world, emphasized the importance of having a knowledgeable and experienced trainer in one’s corner. “A trainer is supposed to guide you, help you improve, and bring out the best in you. Logan Paul doesn’t have the experience or the credentials to do that. This is just a publicity stunt.”

The decision by Martin to fire Derrick James, who has trained numerous champions and is highly regarded in the boxing community, has been met with mixed reactions. While some see it as a bold move, others, like Garcia, view it as a misguided attempt to attract attention rather than focusing on the sport’s fundamentals.

Garcia’s frustration didn’t stop at criticizing the trainer change. He went a step further by challenging Frank Martin to a fight upon his return to boxing. “If Frank wants to prove that he’s serious about his career, then he should step into the ring with me. Let’s see if Logan Paul can prepare him for that,” Garcia declared. “I’m ready to show him what real boxing is all about.”

Frank Martin has yet to respond to Garcia’s challenge, but the brewing tension between the two fighters is sure to add excitement to the boxing scene. Fans are eagerly awaiting Martin’s reaction and whether he will accept Garcia’s challenge, setting the stage for a potentially explosive showdown.

As the boxing world reacts to these developments, it remains to be seen how Martin’s partnership with Logan Paul will unfold and whether Garcia’s challenge will materialize into a much-anticipated fight. One thing is clear: Ryan Garcia is not backing down and is ready to take on any challenger to prove his mettle in the ring.