In a world where the rich and famous often find themselves under scrutiny, Howard Stern, the legendary radio personality known for his unfiltered opinions, has once again made headlines.

This time, Stern is taking aim at none other than Oprah Winfrey, one of the most influential media moguls of our time. Stern’s criticism centers on Oprah’s open display of her wealth on social media and her alleged lack of self-awareness regarding the struggles of ordinary people, including her own employees.

Howard Stern EXPOSES How Oprah Winfrey Enslaves Her Employees! - YouTube

Stern’s Critique of Oprah’s Wealth Display

During a recent episode of The Howard Stern Show on SiriusXM, Stern didn’t hold back. He claimed that Oprah is not embarrassed by her wealth and seems to enjoy flaunting it. “It’s mind-blowing when you follow her on Instagram,” Stern remarked. “You see her estates, her gardens, the people who service her. It’s wild. She knows how to be rich and likes to show it off, which is something I’m not comfortable with. I don’t think people should show off their wealth.”

Stern’s comments come in the context of a broader debate about wealth inequality and social responsibility. His co-host, Robin Quivers, defended Oprah, suggesting that she was merely offering a glimpse into her life rather than showing off. However, Stern doubled down, arguing that there needs to be a level of self-awareness given the hardships many people face, including those who might be working for her.

Social Media Backlash

Unsurprisingly, Stern’s comments sparked a backlash on social media. Many of Oprah’s fans were quick to defend her, accusing Stern of unfairly targeting her while ignoring similar behavior from other wealthy individuals. Comedian Dulcé Sloan tweeted, “So is Howard Stern mad at all wealthy people or just Oprah? He’s talking about Oprah flaunting her wealth because she has people cooking for her when folks are out here struggling. Bezos built a spaceship and went to space off the backs of his employees. Is Stern mad at him?”

Critics also pointed out the apparent hypocrisy in Stern’s remarks. Stern, whose net worth is estimated to be around $650 million, owns multiple expensive properties, including a $20 million house in the Hamptons, a $20 million penthouse in Manhattan, and a $65 million mansion in Palm Beach. This led some to question whether Stern has considered his own lifestyle when criticizing others.

Stern’s History with Oprah

This isn’t the first time Stern has taken issue with Oprah. In early 2022, Stern criticized Oprah for hosting dinner parties at her lavish estate during a surge in COVID-19 cases, particularly the spread of the Omicron variant. Stern expressed amazement at Oprah’s ability to host large gatherings while he and others were taking significant precautions to avoid the virus. “I’m really amazed by Oprah,” Stern said. “On her Instagram, she likes to take you into her house where every night of Christmas is a big party, like a celebration, and she flies in a different chef.”

Stern’s co-host Quivers pointed out that many of Oprah’s guests were young women from the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, which Oprah founded. However, Stern seemed unimpressed, mocking Oprah’s tone and questioning the safety of such gatherings during the pandemic.

The John of God Scandal

Adding fuel to the fire, Oprah’s reputation has been further tarnished by her alleged connections to João Teixeira de Faria, known as John of God, a Brazilian faith healer who was sentenced to nearly 100 years in prison for molesting underage girls. In 2018, over 300 women, including his own daughter, came forward with harrowing accounts of sexual abuse at the hands of Faria, whom they had trusted for spiritual healing.

Oprah had previously featured John of God on her show, amplifying his reach and giving him a veneer of legitimacy. In light of the scandal, Oprah expressed empathy for the survivors and voiced her hope for justice. However, this connection led to further criticism, with some netizens alleging that Oprah should have known about Faria’s actions.

One Twitter user wrote, “Oprah Winfrey’s spiritual mentor was John of God, who now faces 370 years of jail time for the sexual exploitation of 600 girls. Do you still watch her show?” Another user added, “There have been allegations/stories of girl child trafficking surrounding Oprah Winfrey and her academies. This world has gone crazy. The people we thought cared for the vulnerable are the worst on this Earth.”

Stern’s Hypocrisy and the Public’s Perception

Stern’s critique of Oprah has highlighted a broader conversation about wealth, privilege, and responsibility. While Stern’s points about self-awareness and sensitivity to the struggles of others are valid, his own lifestyle and wealth make his criticisms seem somewhat hypocritical to many observers.

Oprah, on the other hand, continues to maintain a complex public image. While her philanthropic efforts and advocacy for the girl child are well-documented, her associations and the manner in which she presents her wealth continue to draw both admiration and criticism.

In the end, the debate sparked by Stern’s comments underscores the ongoing tension between wealth and social responsibility. It raises important questions about how public figures should navigate their privilege in a world where inequality is ever-present.

As the conversation continues, it remains to be seen whether figures like Stern and Oprah will adjust their approaches or continue to face scrutiny from both supporters and detractors.


Howard Stern’s recent comments about Oprah Winfrey have reignited discussions about wealth, privilege, and social responsibility. While Stern criticizes Oprah for flaunting her wealth and seemingly lacking self-awareness, his own lavish lifestyle invites accusations of hypocrisy.

Oprah’s connections to controversial figures like John of God further complicate her public image, making her a focal point for broader debates about the responsibilities of the wealthy and influential in society. As public figures navigate these complex dynamics, their actions and associations will continue to be closely scrutinized by the public.