Jason Momoa Condemns Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson’s Maui Fund: A Scam or Genuine Aid?

In the aftermath of the devastating wildfires in Maui, a fundraising initiative led by Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has come under severe scrutiny. Actor Jason Momoa, who was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, has publicly denounced the fund, calling it a scam. This article delves into the controversy, examining the claims made by Momoa and the public’s reaction to the efforts of Winfrey and Johnson.

The People’s Fund of Maui: Intentions and Backlash

Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson announced the creation of The People’s Fund of Maui with the stated goal of putting money directly into the hands of those affected by the wildfires. The duo, both with significant ties to Hawaii, emphasized that the funds would go directly to the victims in need. However, this initiative has sparked widespread skepticism and backlash, with critics questioning their true motives.

Jason Momoa, known for his roles in “Aquaman” and his strong ties to Hawaii, has been vocal on social media, warning his followers about potential scams. He specifically targeted the fundraising efforts of Winfrey and Johnson, labeling them as billionaire scammers. According to Momoa, these celebrities should be using their immense wealth to aid the island rather than soliciting donations from ordinary people.

Momoa’s Concerns and Public Reaction

Momoa’s concerns stem from his belief that Winfrey and Johnson are not genuinely interested in helping the Maui community but are instead using the disaster for personal gain. He has urged people to donate only to verified organizations and has shared a list of trustworthy fundraisers on his social media platforms.

The backlash against Winfrey and Johnson’s fund has been intense. Many social media users have echoed Momoa’s sentiments, accusing the celebrities of exploiting the tragedy. Comments on various platforms suggest that the public perceives their philanthropic efforts as insincere and self-serving.

One significant point of contention is Oprah Winfrey’s extensive land ownership in Maui. Critics argue that her substantial property holdings and recent land purchases on the island suggest a vested interest that goes beyond altruism. Winfrey’s actions, such as opening her private road to help evacuees, have been met with suspicion, with some interpreting these gestures as a way to eventually acquire more land.

Historical Context: Oprah’s Controversies

Oprah Winfrey’s philanthropic endeavors have not always been free of controversy. Her involvement with John of God, a Brazilian healer later convicted of numerous crimes, and the scandals surrounding her Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa have cast long shadows on her reputation. These past incidents have fueled public distrust, leading many to question her true motives in the current situation.

Winfrey’s relationship with John of God, who was revealed to be running a criminal enterprise, has particularly tarnished her image. Despite her initial praise and promotion of his healing center, the subsequent revelations of his atrocities left a stain on her credibility. Similarly, the abuse allegations at her South African academy raised questions about her oversight and the integrity of her charitable projects.

Dwayne Johnson’s Involvement and Criticism

Dwayne Johnson, who also has deep ties to Hawaii, has not escaped criticism either. While he is widely respected for his charitable work and positive public image, his partnership with Winfrey in this fundraising effort has led to skepticism. Some critics suggest that Johnson should have leveraged his wealth and connections to provide direct aid rather than soliciting public donations.

The public’s response has been mixed, with some fans defending Johnson’s intentions and others aligning with Momoa’s criticisms. The perception that two of the world’s wealthiest celebrities are asking for donations from ordinary people during a crisis has struck many as inappropriate and exploitative.

The Broader Implications

The controversy surrounding The People’s Fund of Maui highlights a broader issue of trust in celebrity-led philanthropic efforts. While celebrities can bring significant attention and resources to causes, their involvement often raises questions about transparency and genuine intent. In this case, the backlash against Winfrey and Johnson underscores the need for accountability and clear communication in charitable initiatives.

For the people of Maui, the wildfires have been a devastating tragedy, and the ensuing controversy over fundraising efforts adds another layer of complexity to their recovery. As the debate continues, it is crucial to ensure that aid reaches those who need it most and that the efforts to help are both genuine and effective.


The allegations made by Jason Momoa against Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson have sparked a heated debate about the integrity of celebrity philanthropy. While Winfrey and Johnson’s intentions may have been to provide much-needed aid to Maui, the public’s reaction has been largely negative, driven by skepticism and past controversies. As this situation unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the importance of trust and transparency in charitable endeavors, especially in times of crisis.