It’s going to be in a dimension it’s never been. It’s going to be the greatest thing floating in 202. Mark the words. Oprah coming next.

Once I establish this as a place of truth, watch. Watch. God’s people ain’t that few. Prince y’all.

It looks like the battle lines have been drawn between Oprah and Katt Williams. Oprah is now threatening to ruin Katt’s life after he embarrassed and exposed her as a handler for the Hollywood elites.

Oprah THREATENS Katt Williams For Exposing Her For Being A Hollywood Handler - YouTube

But y’all know that Katt never backs down from a fight, and he is now fighting back at Oprah, threatening to release more tea on her and take her down completely. Y’all better come on inside the room ‘cause listen, this chaos is about to get real.

Some of us are against the Illuminati, and we are against the Illuminati at our own detriment. When people are against the Illuminati, they get punched in the face all the time. The press hates them; nobody likes them.

Oprah is sick and tired of people trying to drag her and has finally decided to speak up and stand up for herself against the accusations. She’s decided to go after none other than Katt Williams. Oprah has been in the news these past couple of weeks after Taraji started a conversation about her and how she doesn’t look out for black women in the industry like she pretends to.

For a very long time, Oprah has been said to be something of a champion for black rights in Hollywood as well as a philanthropist. But Katt is now coming out to prove that not only is Oprah not the good person we think she is, but she is way worse than we could ever imagine. But get this, it goes way beyond Taraji.

According to Katt, Oprah has been playing in our faces for the longest time. Katt claimed that Oprah has been used by the higher-ups in Hollywood to keep black artists in line and make them dance to their tune. He pointed out how Oprah has been putting down her fellow black artists for years, pointing out how she did Ludacris dirty and had him looking stupid when he went on her show to promote the movie *Crash* back in the day.

Oprah’s show was where all black artists went to promote their new movies, music, and whatever they had going on. But sometimes Oprah would suddenly switch up and decide to make some of the artists look bad, and that’s what she did to Ludacris during the interview.

Oprah decided to shift course from talking about the movie to pressing him about his music and why he used the N-word, even though the interview had nothing to do with his music.

Ludacris definitely wasn’t feeling it and he called her out on the radio interview, saying, “I was there for *Crash* for the movie. Yeah, and basically she said something about not agreeing with my music but she thought I did great in the movie. And of course, I was up there with the whole cast of *Crash*. And so, I didn’t necessarily feel like that needed to be said.”

According to Katt, what we’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Oprah using her platform for all the wrong reasons. He didn’t hold back on major shade her way for the way she tried to destroy Michael Jackson’s legacy.

Let’s rewind to 1993 when Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, granted Oprah a rare interview at his Neverland Ranch. Now, that’s a big deal because we all know how guarded MJ was about his private life. The exclusive sit-down catapulted Oprah’s fame even higher, not just in the US but globally. For years after this, she claimed to be MJ’s friend.

Fast forward to Michael’s passing, and Oprah did a complete switcheroo. She hopped on the controversy train surrounding the *Leaving Neverland* documentary, putting MJ in a not-so-flattering light. She took it up a notch by dedicating an entire segment to interviewing MJ’s former accusers, Wade Robson and James Safechuck.

That move alone stirred up a ton of controversy because both Wade and James had backtracked on their earlier claims, swearing under oath that MJ didn’t assault them like they initially accused him of. So what was Oprah doing giving these guys a platform to reopen the whole Michael Jackson case? It felt like she was trying to throw shade on MJ’s legacy by getting people to talk about it all over again.

Oprah tried to defend herself by claiming she was just shedding light on the widespread pattern of abuse in the industry. But it’s a bit rich coming from Oprah, especially considering her ties to individuals like Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. Rumor has it she might have even known about their questionable activities before the whole expose blew up.

It’s definitely the pot calling the kettle black. Oprah, the advocate for awareness, having deep connections with individuals involved in the very issues she claims to be shedding light on, makes her look like a hypocrite.

British actress Kaden Noble exposed Oprah and Naomi Campbell for helping Harvey Weinstein trick her. Noble said, “He was with Naomi Campbell, he had Oprah Winfrey there with him who entered the room and was swinging off his arm and just seemed like a very dear friend.”

According to Katt, Oprah didn’t have a problem with sexual assault per se because she didn’t seem to mind very much when it was her friends doing the assaulting. Katt also pointed out how Oprah has been linked to other men accused of inappropriate behavior. Remember when Oprah was all about this Brazilian guy who called himself John of God, claiming to be a spiritual healer?

Oprah didn’t just talk the talk; she hopped on a plane to Brazil to meet him and even brought him on her show. Oprah stayed connected to John of God for a couple of years, but then he was exposed for some seriously messed up stuff like child and human trafficking. Oprah got dragged into that mess, but she played it cool, like it never happened.

Oprah hit the delete button on the videos of John of God from her page and that was that—no official statement or distancing herself from the scandal. It was like we were in a Twilight Zone.

And if you’re scratching your head wondering why this wasn’t plastered all over the US media, Katt claims Oprah’s got some powerful friends keeping that stuff on the low.

Remember how Oprah opened a school for girls in South Africa? Well, it didn’t take long for the school to be dragged into controversy. One of the school matrons was arrested on sexual assault charges for being inappropriate with female students.

Singer Seal also hinted that Oprah was lying about not knowing about Harvey Weinstein’s crimes. He posted on Instagram, “Oh, I forgot. That’s right. You’d heard rumors but you had no idea he was actually serious.”

The interesting thing is that Seal faced battery charges only five days after calling Oprah out. The charges were dropped after a few days, but it’s said Oprah attempted to take Seal out and land him in jail even though he was innocent.

All this happened a while ago, and the rumors about Oprah being a handler died down until Taraji’s revelations a few weeks ago. Taraji admitted she was sick and tired of being short-changed and nearly walked away from the Oprah movie *Color Purple* because the offer was too low and insulting.

She went on Gail King’s show, driven to tears, saying she was tired of working hard and getting paid a fraction of what she deserved. Gail’s interview tactics were criticized for not addressing the real issues, possibly due to her close friendship with Oprah.

Fans theorized that Gail held back because she knew the real talk might shine a not-so-flattering light on Oprah. But the internet exploded with folks coming for Oprah, digging up her not-so-great track record with black women in the industry.

Katt Williams stepped in, throwing major shade Oprah’s way, accusing her of trying to handle Taraji and keep her down. Katt hinted that he had dirt on Oprah and would take her down.

According to an insider, Oprah is allegedly planning to ruin Katt before he spills more on her. Fans have left comments saying Oprah is somehow always associated with serial abusers and pedophiles, calling her a groomer and a handler.