“Do any of you men have any eggs or the possibility of carrying a fetus? How dare you talk about what a fetus wants? You have no idea!”

“I’m fine if you disagree with abortion; I have no problem with that. My problem comes when you tell me what I need to do with my doctor and my family. How dare you!”

Candace Owens just absolutely rips to shreds the girls from *The View*: Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg—I mean, gosh, someone just embarrasses the crap out of them.

Hey, this is Isabella Moody, and you are watching *Resist the Mainstream*. Make sure you give today’s video a like, leave a comment down below, subscribe to our channel, and let’s get right into it.

Whoopi Goldberg | Academy of Achievement

Welcome back for today’s Counterpoint segment. I wanted to discuss the recent Supreme Court abortion case. Honestly, this isn’t even about whether you’re pro-choice or pro-life—I just do not like bad arguments, and the arguments coming from the left right now are absolutely bonkers. So let’s start with absolutely bonkers, Joy Behar.

It’s a very interesting schism that goes on here because on the one hand, sex sells everywhere—I mean, you can’t see an aspirin commercial without somebody having s;e;x.

You cannot turn on any program, especially on streaming, where people are having… there’s soft porn everywhere now.

They encourage all of that; it sells everything—sex sells. And yet, when it comes to the reality of pregnancy, this particular group of people on the right in this country and these religious zealots do not understand the reality of what happens when you have sex.”

“I don’t think she knows that it’s not pronounced ‘zealot,’ but we’ll pretend that there’s an ‘H’ somewhere in there. For Counterpoint number one, I want to say: Yes, Joy Behar, you are correct—sex is everywhere; our culture is sick. But that isn’t an argument; that’s a diagnosis. We have an increasingly sick culture here in America. Religious zealots and people on the right very much understand that reality.

We understand that when a culture promulgates promiscuity, it leads to people engaging in unfulfilling, unprotected sex. Far from your assessment that we don’t understand what happens when you have sex, we understand exactly what happens: children are the consequence; life is the consequence.

It would seem to me that it’s the atheist zealots—the ones who have normalized sex-laden aspirin commercials—that don’t quite understand what happens when you have unprotected sex. And then when they find out, they go, ‘Whoops! Well, good thing I learned in health class that I can just get an abortion to deal with it.’

She will say anything controversial": Netizens react to Candace Owens losing respect for Jay-Z and sliding on Kanye West

Did you know, Joy, that before federally funded sex ed programs in schools—which sprang up in the 1970s—and before Roe v. Wade in 1973, teenage pregnancy rates in this country were declining over a period of 12 years? Maybe what we on the right understand is that there is such a thing as sexually transmitted insanity—the normalization of non-committal s;e;x, which is pervasive in our culture and in our schools, serves no one, least of all the young women who wind up pregnant and are pressured to make a life-altering emotional decision that is packaged to them as the responsible thing to do. I believe that you and the ladies that sit beside you contribute daily to that toxic culture of lies.”

“I mean, already, Candace is just speaking facts here, okay? We on the right know—especially the religious zealots—we know that sex is way too prevalent these days, and we—I know, shocking—we understand the consequences of sex: a baby can be created. It’s actually a blessing.

But just remember this, Joy Behar—it’s your side, it’s Democrats who want to act all shocked when babies are created with unprotected sex and then say, ‘Oh, let’s use abortion, aka killing a baby, as healthcare, as birth control.’

Yeah, no thanks. We understand what happens from sex—that’s why we’re like, ‘Hey, maybe you should wait to have sex until you’re married and ready to have a baby, because that is the consequence of sex.’ Yeah, you’re the delusional one, not us.”

“Now let’s hear from your co-host.”

“Do any of you men have any eggs or the possibility of carrying a fetus? How dare you talk about what a fetus wants? You have no idea!”

“I would love to see the same energy when it comes to biological men dressing up as women, claiming that they can get pregnant because they’re trans women and real women. Yeah, something tells me that Whoopi would not be singing the same tune when it comes to that conversation, but we’ll forget about that.”

“Now, I’m fine if you disagree with abortion. I have no problem with that. My problem comes when you tell me what I need to do with my doctor and my family. How dare you! How dare you!”

“Alright, Counterpoint to you, Whoopi Goldberg, number two. Did you guys know back at home, by the way, that in 2017, Whoopi Goldberg received a GLAAD Media Award for executively producing a show called *Strut*? It was a transgender modeling show. She won the award for speaking up for trans rights and against those trying to roll them back.

Oopsies! This is why I love intersectionality. Here we are in the middle of a vicious culture war where a bunch of men are playing dress-up and trying to convince people that they are women and can give birth, and they can ‘chestfeed,’ and here comes along Whoopi Goldberg, and she’s so fired up about abortion that she accidentally tells the truth: only women can give birth.

Only women have a womb that is capable of carrying a child. They say never get in the way of your enemies when they are making a mistake; they also say even a broken clock is right twice a day. I say thanks, Whoopi, for proving that even idiots are capable of understanding basic biology.”

“And for the last Counterpoint, which I believe is so important in terms of this abortion debate: we currently have a culture where men are routinely accused of not stepping up to the plate. In fact, just this week, it was announced that only 18% of households in America today feature a nuclear family unit—a married mother and a father raising children.

Make no mistake, father absence is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, epidemics that we face in this country today.

But why are we expecting men to step up to the plate when we have women that are telling them that they don’t have to? Why should men step up when the message that is ringing out loud and clear from mainstream culture and media is that beyond s;e;x, men have no responsibility or say in the lives of their children? I mean, how on Earth can someone logically explain how a baby is 100% the property of a woman as it grows inside of her, then the moment that the baby is born, it requires a 50/50 split? Can a man stand before a judge at a child support hearing and say, ‘Your Honor, it was her body, and it was therefore her choice to have this child’? The answer, of course, is no—obviously not.

That would be stupid. If a man is colloquially referred to as a deadbeat dad for taking no part or responsibility in a child’s life as he or she grows up, then the same must also be true for a woman who wants no part or responsibility in a child’s life as it grows inside of her. ‘My body, my choice’ is a pervasive deadbeat mom argument that accomplishes nothing but excusing too many men from stepping up to their most important role as fathers.”

“So many good points from Candace there. I love that she uses this term ‘deadbeat moms,’ because that’s always something I cannot stand about women being pro-choice. It’s ‘my body, my choice’ when it comes to what I want to do. If I want to abort my baby, it’s all up to me—the father has no say, even though it’s 50% his DNA, 50% his child, or 100% his child, you know what I mean.

And the second she has the baby, it’s like, ‘Oh, well, now you better be involved or else you’re a deadbeat father.’ Like, women only want father’s involvement if they want to keep the baby, but the second they don’t want to keep the baby, it’s like, ‘Oh, you better stay out of it because this baby’s mine. It only took me, apparently, to create the baby, and therefore I should be able to choose to kill it.’

Yeah, no thanks. Obviously, the ‘my body, my choice’ argument makes no sense because it’s not your body that dies when you abort a baby; it’s the baby’s body. But of course, those who are pro-abortion do not have a sensible, logical head attached to them. They don’t have brain cells at all, in my opinion. But hey, I’m happy that we have someone like Candace Owens to call it out and to call the idiots out from *The View*. That’s all we have time for today, guys—I really hope you enjoyed today’s video and laughed along with me. I will see you next time. Bye.”