The video showcases Ben Shapiro engaging in a series of heated debates and confrontations around gender identity and woke culture. Known for his sharp rhetoric and refusal to conform to modern gender politics, Shapiro takes on students and activists in various settings, including college campuses and TV shows.

In one instance, during an event at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Shapiro debates a student over the concept of gender, dismissing the argument that gender is entirely disconnected from s;e;x.

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The student attempts to argue that gender is a spectrum and brings up intersex individuals, but Shapiro counters with firm assertions about biological realities.

The video highlights other notable encounters, such as a tense exchange with transgender activist Zoey Tur on live TV, where Shapiro’s refusal to use preferred pronouns leads to a physical threat.

Another significant moment is Shapiro’s appearance at UC Berkeley, where he faces protests and a challenging question about his stance on pronouns.

Shapiro maintains his position, arguing that while people can identify as they wish, society shouldn’t be compelled to use language that contradicts biological facts.

Throughout the video, Shapiro’s approach is consistent: he relies on logic, biology, and a steadfast belief in objective truth to challenge what he sees as the flaws in woke ideology.

His confrontations often leave his opponents at a loss for words, and his message is clear—facts, in his view, should not be compromised by societal pressures or ideological movements.