Criss Angel’s Heartbreaking Family Struggles: A Father’s Fight Against Pediatric Cancer

Criss Angel, the world-renowned magician and illusionist famous for his death-defying stunts and mind-bending illusions, is no stranger to overcoming challenges. But none of the tricks or stunts that have amazed audiences around the globe prepared him for the greatest trial of his life: his son’s battle with pediatric cancer. Behind the magic and fame lies a heart-wrenching journey marked by deep personal tragedy and resilience, one that has shaped the man behind the performer in profound ways.
The Five Lives of Criss Angel Mindfreak │ Exclaim!

A Family United by Love

Criss Angel, whose real name is Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos, has spent decades captivating audiences with his television show Criss Angel Mindfreak and countless live performances. His personal life, though, has been defined by both love and heartache. Since 2012, Angel has been in a relationship with Australian singer Shaunyl Benson, and together they have built a family with three children: Johnny Crisstopher, Xristos Yanni, and Illusia Angelina.

In 2015, their seemingly perfect life was shattered when their eldest son, Johnny Crisstopher, was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of blood cancer. Johnny was only 20 months old at the time. The diagnosis came as a devastating blow to Angel and his family, marking the start of a long, emotional battle against the illness.
Illusionist Criss Angel's Son's Acute Leukemia | MedPage Today

The Fight Against Pediatric Cancer

For Angel and his family, the reality of childhood cancer was a stark contrast to the illusions and magical acts he performed on stage. The diagnosis thrust the family into a new and terrifying reality — one where the stakes were life and death, and no amount of magic could change the outcome.

Johnny’s treatment required aggressive chemotherapy, long hospital stays, and a host of medical procedures. Through it all, Angel and Benson remained steadfast, refusing to give up hope. Angel became a vocal advocate for pediatric cancer awareness, using his platform to raise funds and awareness for the cause. In numerous interviews and social media posts, he shared Johnny’s journey, hoping to bring attention to the need for more research and funding to fight childhood cancer.

In a heartfelt statement, Angel shared, “Pediatric cancer is devastating to so many families around the world, and I’m determined to do whatever it takes to help my son and other children like him.” His advocacy efforts extended far beyond his son’s battle, as he sought to shine a light on the struggles faced by countless other families dealing with pediatric cancer.

Triumph and Setback

By 2016, there was a glimmer of hope. Johnny’s treatment had been successful, and the young boy was declared in remission. The news was a moment of joy and relief for Angel and his family. However, their celebration was short-lived. In December 2019, Angel announced that Johnny’s cancer had returned, sending the family back into the harrowing world of treatment cycles, hospital stays, and uncertainty.

The relapse was a crushing blow, but Angel remained resilient. He continued to perform and maintain his career, all while prioritizing his son’s health. His public appearances were often accompanied by discussions of pediatric cancer, and his social media posts became raw and candid reflections of the pain, fear, and hope that defined this period in his life.

Johnny’s Victory and a Family’s Strength

Despite the challenges, the Angel family’s perseverance paid off. In January 2022, Criss Angel shared the news that Johnny had achieved what every family affected by cancer dreams of — remission. Johnny was able to ring the bell at the hospital, a symbol of the end of his cancer treatment and a victorious moment for the entire family.

Angel took to social media to express his gratitude, writing, “Today, our son Johnny Crisstopher will finally ring the bell symbolizing his remission and the end of his treatment!” The moment was met with joy and relief, not just for the Angel family but also for the thousands of fans and supporters who had followed Johnny’s journey from the beginning.

The emotional victory was shared through photos and videos, with Johnny surrounded by his loving family, healthcare workers, and supporters. The images of Johnny ringing the bell were a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the strength of a family united in love and hope.

A Changed Perspective

The years of battling Johnny’s illness left an indelible mark on Criss Angel, not just as a father but as a person. His once laser-focused career took a backseat to his son’s health, and he often reflected on how the experience had changed him. In interviews, Angel spoke about how Johnny’s fight against cancer had given his life a new purpose.

In a 2016 interview with PEOPLE, Angel described the moment he learned of Johnny’s diagnosis as one of utter helplessness. Used to controlling the narrative of his magic shows, Angel found himself in a situation where he had no control. “I felt helpless,” he said, recalling the shock and disbelief that followed the diagnosis. For a man who made his living creating illusions, this was a stark reality that no amount of magic could change.

One of the most difficult aspects of Johnny’s treatment was witnessing the toll it took on his young body. Chemotherapy caused severe side effects, including hair loss, fatigue, and mood changes due to the steroid treatments. For Angel, seeing his happy, energetic son transformed by the illness and its treatment was heart-wrenching. Yet, through it all, Johnny remained, in Angel’s eyes, the embodiment of love and innocence — the “truest form of magic.”

The Unwavering Love of a Parent

Throughout Johnny’s battle with cancer, Angel’s love for his son was a constant source of strength. In moments of despair, he often wished he could trade places with Johnny, expressing a sentiment shared by many parents of sick children: “I’d rather it be me that was sick.” This raw emotion underscored the depth of a parent’s love, a love so profound that they would willingly endure any pain to spare their child’s suffering.


Even with Johnny in remission, Criss Angel’s fight against pediatric cancer continues. His experiences have transformed him into a passionate advocate for children suffering from cancer, and he remains dedicated to raising awareness and funds to help other families facing the same heartache. Through his foundation and public appearances, Angel continues to use his platform to make a difference.

A Legacy of Love and Resilience

Criss Angel’s journey with his son Johnny has been one of immense challenge, but also one of profound love and resilience. While his career as a magician has brought him fame and fortune, it is his role as a father that has truly defined him. In the face of unimaginable adversity, Angel has shown the world that the greatest magic of all is the unwavering love of a parent and the strength that comes from fighting for those you love.