“Michael Jackson was a very smart businessman. He had more power than any black man should have and that’s why they tried everything to dîssolve him. Kanye West already explained how the system works.” Akon

Có thể là hình ảnh về 3 người

“Michael Jackson used to always say that the powers treated him unfaîrly and he used to always say that these are not góod people. He told me “Akon be very careful because they will ûse you until they can’t ûse you no more and then they’ll fînd a way to déstroy you.” They tried grâb everything that he had accéss to or possésed because they felt like he had too much accéss and real estate in the music catalogs. Michael was a very smart businessman. He had more pôwer than any bláck man should have and that’s why they trîed everything to dîssolve him. Ask Kanye West and he’ll tell you right now.” Akon

Anytime a blãck man becomes too rich and powerful, they’ll do everything to bring him down
